We understand how frustrating it can be to wait for your hospital appointment, operation, or test. The waiting process can be difficult, and we know you are eager to get the care you need.
While we appreciate your concerns, chasing up hospital appointments through the practice can take time away from other patients who also need our care. To help you get the information you need as quickly as possible, we are providing useful resources to help you check your referral and waiting times yourself.
You can now track your hospital appointment status directly through the NHS app. There is a helpful video guide by Dr. Gandhi, which explains how to do this. You can watch it here: NHS App Video Guide.
For those waiting for appointments at Nottingham University Hospitals (QMC/City Hospital), there is a specific link to check the current waiting times. Visit Nottingham University Hospital Waiting Times. This information is updated by the hospital and gives an estimated waiting time for your appointment. To find out how to use this Dr Gandhi has made a short video which explains how to use this. You can watch it here: Find Out When Your Hospital Appointment Is.
Please note that any updates, results, or plans from the hospital will be communicated directly by the hospital team. If you have any questions or concerns about your referral, we kindly ask you to contact the clinic or hospital directly. If you still have concerns after doing this, please submit an online request rather than booking an appointment just to discuss these issues.
We are here to help, and we hope these resources make it easier for you to manage your hospital appointments.